
// 645

So these awesome friends of ours, Bruce & Rebecca from Love Made Visible, got this flippen sexy 645 Land Camera from Bruce's granddad.
I almost peed my pants.
And if I didn't love them I would've totally stolen it from their home.
But I didn't.
Instead I have been dreaming in 645 format. And having digital nightmares.

I found this today again, and although I have seen Parker Fitzgerald's 365 Polaroid Quotes before, I still love them.









Plus he has some other embarrassingly beautiful work that makes me want to quit my day job and just jump on a train or walk through a forest and shoot film (oh-so-hipster of me!) x



Travis and I went to this exact waterfall, just outside Portland, OR, on our honeymoon road-trip around the States. Oh I still have to blog some of those pictures. Hmpf.




Man. I wish my surname was Fitzgerald. All Fitzgeralds are awesome.
Check out Fitzgerald's blog and Flickr photostream.
He will rock your knickers off.


// Sweet home feature

So a few months back, the sweet Natalie from
CLEO Magazine contacted me to check if we'd be interested in featuring our home in their magazine.
I've never read CLEO, and I suppose it's not a magazine I'd actually buy, but hey we thought, why not?
Plus, they commissioned me to take the pictures, which I wasn't going to say no to either. Ha!
So on Friday I went to buy this little magazine and dug my way though the teenager gossip and random sex-tips and enjoyed the sweet piece Natalie wrote up and put together of our home. Thanks Natalie, you're very awesome!


P.S If you bought the CLEO Magazine, check out the page before ours, it's a yummy-lick-the-page-double-spread of my Interweb-buddy's Sian Rice's recipes . I already made the Roasted Nectarine & Goat's Cheese Salad! Nom-nom!

all pictures by lovemademedoit

// hello long-lost maatjies

It has been a while.
Hello friends :)
So as you might have noticed my whole 'blog-and-work-from-home-housewife-adventure' didn't quite happen.
We've been working really hard, the season has us busy shooting pretty much every weekend.
In between shooting, editing and meetings, I try to hang out with friends, go for swims in reservoirs, do a little yoga, make a home and be a wife.
So that leaves little time for blogging.
Nevermind being a full-time housewife.
But that's okay.
I suppose that's just how grown-up life works out.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to pop my head in quick and say hi.
And I'm sorry I haven't been around too much.
And I won't be around much any time soon.
Which I'm super bummed about, but it's just worked out this way.
And it's okay.


image from Cubicle Refugee