As many of you may have noticed I have not been blogging much. AT ALL.
There was much talk and excitement from my side a few months back (or has it already been a year? waaaaa) about possibly pursuing this on a more full-time basis. But as it turns out, life had different ideas for me.
Besides still being the female half of welovepictures and documenting the love and joy that is the wedding celebration, I have recently also opened a little shop on behalf of Julie Gallagher called In Good Company, here in Cape Town, South Africa (see pictures of the shop here and here).
It has been a lovely, exciting and beautiful adventure so far, but as it turns out I now have even less free time for anything else really, except of course, hanging out with my amazing husband, our two dogs and our fat cat. And taking beautiful walks in the mountains and hanging out with God, riding bicycles with friends and adventuring to flea markets. And eating loads of great food and cheese! and drinking too many G+T's. And making a home... I wonder if I'll ever stop making a home. Oh and I just started surfing - we'll see how that goes.
But unfortunately my little blog is not on this list.
So! I've decided to take an official blog leave. I will maybe return to it one day, but until then I think it's best to close this little guy officially. Until further notice, no new content will be added to 'Love Made Me Do It' but it will however continue to stay open for readers to access past content.
Lastly, I want to send out a huge blanket THANK YOU to all my lovely readers, old friends, new friends and fellow bloggers for all the support, love and genuine interest in my little blog. Your sweet comments and encouraging words have always put a smile on my face. Thank you.
Image Source: I left my heart in Paris