I almost peed my pants.
And if I didn't love them I would've totally stolen it from their home.
But I didn't.
Instead I have been dreaming in 645 format. And having digital nightmares.
I found this today again, and although I have seen Parker Fitzgerald's 365 Polaroid Quotes before, I still love them.
Plus he has some other embarrassingly beautiful work that makes me want to quit my day job and just jump on a train or walk through a forest and shoot film (oh-so-hipster of me!) x
Travis and I went to this exact waterfall, just outside Portland, OR, on our honeymoon road-trip around the States. Oh I still have to blog some of those pictures. Hmpf.
Man. I wish my surname was Fitzgerald. All Fitzgeralds are awesome.
Check out Fitzgerald's blog and Flickr photostream.
He will rock your knickers off.