I am so excited about today, friends!
I was like a little kid this morning, all giddy and buzzing. I woke up at 5h00, wondering if anyone would read my post at 5am but then I realized I kinda need my beauty sleep :)
But now today is here - hooray!
Drumroll please... and welcome to my very first 'I like you' feature!
Friends, meet my awesome and insanely talented maatjie Elzanne LOuw from LO Studio.
I am so happy to show her off today!
Zani, or Zani-pants, as I like to call her, makes the sweetest cLOthes.
And yes, she makes great pants.
And tops, and skirts and sweet-sweet summer dresses!
The LO Studio is based in the Woodstock Industrial Centre here in Cape Town, which is where Zani spends most of her time designing, creating, making, sewing and thinking up all these pretty little things.
I went to visit her in her studio yesterday to photograph her and her sweet studio.
Oh what a happy place - no wonder her fashion label is taking off like a motherfrikken Jet plane!
LO clothing is available from the Neighbour Goods Market in Jo'burg and from Zani's studio in Cape Town. She will also be at the You & Me & Everyone We Know Market on the 16th of December at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town. Her Summer range will also soon be available from a selection of independent shops countrywide. Ladies, keep your pretty fashion-eyes peeled for LOvely fresh coral bursts and light and fLOwey greys - summer happiness in one little outfit!
Since today's feature is the very-very first and hence a very-very special feature (the fact that I just used the word 'hence' proves just how special it is), we are sharing some LOve and handing out high-5's and a R350 LOaded voucher!
Eeeek! Yessss!
This is lovemademedoit's first give-away and man oh man I'm bouncing off the walls!
Okay, so all you guys need to do is comment with your e-mail address and a good reason why you think you deserve to be LOaded. Then you also have to drop in and say helLO over at the LO website and like their facebook page.
And then because we really want you guys to be LOaded and look awesome, we're also giving away one of those sweet brooches! I know right?! They're so cute!
One lucky lady will be walking away with a R350 LOaded voucher in her pocket and a sweet brooch on her chest and a smile as big as mine!
The LO give-away is running from today until the 14th December, which means one of you will be wearing a pretty damn cute outfit for Christmas.
Yikes, I hope this works! Otherwise Zani-pants and I will cry and get mascara all over her pretty coral-coloured tops and then she'll be broke because who wants to buy black-smudged coral tops.
Love you guys x
Oh and if you re-blog or tweet this you'll get a free entry (just make sure you let me know so I can chuck your name in the hat again)!
Good luck friends!
Okay bye!
all pictures by lovemademedoit