We are not only counting down the days until our wedding, but we are also counting the days until we move to Cape Town, which is only a few weeks after the wedding. Pssst... we are almost a bit more excited about that :)
But this sadly means that we have to leave our beautiful little home in sunny Sunnyside behind. Which is breaking my heart. So I've decided to do a little project called 'Home is 385 Reitz Street'. I've blogged about our home before, but today I decided to document our beautiful home until the day we leave. This will include all sorts of prettiness from lovely home-styling pictures to pictures of our every-day life we lead here at Reitz Street. I feel like I need to capture our homes strong but gentle embrace around us in these last few months.
Today I will share my two favourite rooms with you and give you a little virtual tour :)
My kitchen is most definitely my favouritest room in the entire house. And I don't necessarily like to cook or bake. I just love it's beautiful yellow tops, it's vintage taps, the awesome cupboards and the most beautiful big window that views onto our little back garden. I love wiping the yellow surfaces every day. I love sitting at the window and watch our brakies play outside. It is my happy place.
The lounge is the biggest space in the house and has been a problem child for decorating from day one. Since it is a 1940's house, the layout of the lounge is with focus on the fireplace. We had a real problem finding a wall big enough for our television. But then we just gave the telly away and now it is the most airy beautiful room! It has a awesome huge bay window that I love to decorate with cute bunting and gorgeous Oregon floors which make any furniture look awesome. We bought most of the furniture second hand, although I claimed a few great Germany-imported pieces from my great grandmother. It is such a lovely room.
Be sure to check back next week for a virtual tour of the welovepictures Studio and our bedroom! ... x
I blogged about In Good Company a while back, but I just have to share it again today. It is the coolest place. Ever. How awesome is that Ring holder?! Be sure to head over there and order some striped straws and floral paper cups for your first summer party! x
I randomly stumbled on this via ffffound this morning and I fell in love with every single picture on this site. I wish everything in life could always be this beautiful. x
I've been waking up with butterflies in my tummy every morning now... Not sure if I'm a little freaked out by everything that still needs to get done or whether I'm excited. I think it's probably a little of both... but I'm definitely more excited!!! Yay! I can't wait anymore!
I thought this morning I'd just share a few pictures that have been giving me inspiration over the last few months. I absolutely love these!
I'm off to fetch my gran from the airport. She flew in this morning from Germany and is going to visit with us the entire month leading up to the wedding (oh my - today in ONE month - yay!). I'm so excited to see her and it made me want to share this with you this morning! Hope you all have a great day! And tell your grannies you love them! x
I have childhood memories of sitting on a chair in the middle of the kitchen, while my mum braids my hair. I was really blonde when I was a kid and I had long thick hair. My mum would do these exact braids before we go to church. I love the idea of my mum braiding my hair on my wedding day. Oh yes, definitely. x
We took this picture the other day to test a lens. I was pretty sick and not in the mood for a picture. Travis loves just shoving a camera into my face at the most random times. Considering how I sick and gross I felt at that time, I do actually really love this picture. It has such a dreamy feel to it and I love how we kinda blur into 'one-ness'. A bit corny, I know :) Romantical-shmorantical me x
I literally photographed these guys in my pajamas this morning!
Thank you again to amazing Gerhard van Wyk from This Pencil - you are too flippen talented Gerrie! Be sure to check out more of his work! It's a real treat - I promise!
37 days to go! Oh my! Yay!!!
This is the finished invite as it went out to our friends and family. My mate of honour Maaike (danke bekiiii) and my awesome friend Angelica screen printed all 120 of them and then they were sewed closed by Angelica (thanks friendship! x). They really slaved hard. I then typed out all the names with this amazing typewriter I bought at a jumble sale. Yep, it still works and it's gorgeous! It will also be used as the guestbook on the love day.
We got these rad envelopes from our awesome client-friends Jo & De Wet. I used a heart-shaped punch and typed out 'you're invited' a 120 times :) It was fun, I promise!
The actual invites are three double-sided Post Card sized prints, printed by the awesome guys at Wet Ink. All the design and illustration was done by Gerhard van Wyk. Yay!
Aaaaaaaaaaand another wednesday is almost over and AGAIN I didn't do a wedding post. BUT I am going to share a quick sneak peek of our invites, by awesome Gerhard van Wyk from This Pencil and tomorrow I'll share the rest - promise! x