I had so much fun using my new washi tape that I got from Travis's mum. I also found this really rad vintage Tape-Writer at a hospice shop in Jo'burg - and it actually works! So I made loads of 'love - welovepictures' tags that we can use for all sorts of stuff!
I started printing plain typographical posters for our new home by the sea. Travis used to work at Wet Ink and they have a Digital Lytho Press so the printing works out super cheap. I have a few more coming up soon soon... x
I found this almost a year ago. I like visiting it when I'm a bit sad or when I just need to feel my heart. There are a few really inspiring ones, and then a few where I can almost feel the person's heart break. But they are mostly beautiful x
Meet Domo - our awesome friend and flippen amazing chef that is about to travel the world on...
yes! her Vespa! We photographed them (her Vespa is pretty much a person) today since they'll be on their way on Monday. Domo has had this dream for more than nine years (God is good!) and now she finally get's to taste (literally) the world. She'll be flying from South Africa to London and from there she plans to travel through Europe, the Middle East and India - working, eating, learning, cooking, eating some more, tasting, laughing (a lot), crying, journalling, photographing, blogging - and all of this on her Vespa!
I think it's flippen romantic.
She'll have a blog up soon-soon on which she'll be updating us all and we hope that this will be the beginning of a super awesome cook book! I'll keep you posted! x
My mum-in-law-to-be went to visit my sister-in-law-to-be in Manchester and she's bringing me loads of goodies from this awesome shop called papermash.
How awesome are these striped straws? Sooo excited! And I'm gonna use the lace tape on Consol glasses combined with doilies to make pretty pretty candle lights. We're going to go pick her up later today! Happiness! x
Meet Nooi, a fashion label by our awesome and talented friend and Fashion Designer, Terese Meijering. After being chosen for the Audi Joburg Fashion Week, where she showcased a "Voortrekker"-inspired range, Terese got her foot into the big door that is the South African Fashion Industry.
Last week we photographed her latest range: Alice in Wonderland inspired street wear. We love supporting our friends however we can, so when Terese asked us to do this shoot for her, we jumped at the opportunity. Plus we got to work with our model friend and super beautiful Nadja Seale, which made our job so much easier x
Travis and I had a four-hour discussion about our future children's names in the car today. We're not thinking of actually having kids now or anything - I suppose it's just the kind of thing you do when you drive through the Freestate, bored and engaged to be married. And then I came home and found this and it made me smile. I hope I'll have a little Grace like this one day x
I randomly stumbled on this the other day and it kinda blew me away. A 16-year old kid called Natalie Kucken, photographed this series. It was inspired by this quote from the book, The Lovely Bones.
and my father would take the thin cotton top sheet and bunch it up in his hands while being careful to keep the two corners between his thumb and forefinger. then he would snap it out so the pale sheet would spread out like a parachute above buckley and gently, what felt wonderfully slowly, it would waft down and touch along his exposed skin- his knees, his forearms, his cheeks and chin. both air and cover somehow there in the same space at the same time- it felt like the ultimate freedom and protection.